Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Knitting Pappose Pattern


For those who do not know yet, is planned to construct a stone's throw from our common a Gasifier (polite term to define a waste incinerator ).

This plant, which was roughly the size of the stage of S. Siro in Milan, would be made by the same company that still manages Tritovagliatore, in the summer of 2007 was affected by a fire that lasted for a week.

Only after the fire, the authorities responsible for checks found that:

  1. the shed was crammed with garbage, and would serve only as a storage site daily.
  2. inside the shed, there were all kinds of waste, which had been carefully differentiated from the citizens.
  3. pedestals fire had never been connected to the water, creating problems for the Fire Department, it took so much time to tame the fire.

not satisfied with the damage caused to the environment and health of citizens by a simple operation of a surface storage facility, the same company, filed in December 2008, a project to build a just Gasifier system for waste treatment plant that would add to the already existing and Tritovagliatore being extended.

This giant would arise within the territory south of the Agricultural Park in Milan, approximately 100 meters from the town of Bustighera and not more than 3 km as the crow flies from Casalmaiocco.

The structure would devastating environmental impact whereas heavy traffic and induced volatile compounds produced by combustion.

the proposal to implement plant, immediately followed by loud protests of citizens, even with the creation of a committee, as well as resolutions of municipal councils than with any serious obstacles to the development of this eco-monster.

Calsalmaiocco The City has done its part by implementing a document that expresses its opposition to this plant, voted unanimously by the City Council document. Apparently, the new President of the Province of Milan, Guido Podesta, said he was opposed to the construction of the gasifier, but now has the last word to the region and the battle is long.

In the past election campaign certainly will remember that the opposition to this plant, was one of our milestones, essential prerogative to protect our health and our territory.

Once in the City Council approved the resolution, we believe that the next step is to inform the citizens concerning the evolution of the incident.

This is to be always faithful to our ideas of politics, which must be transparent and shared by the citizens.

To do this we will organize an evening of study in November open to all citizens, where, with the help Board members' NO TO GASIFICATION , we will try to understand what a plant Gasifier , and find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a structure, located in a highly urbanized ours.


We wait for you, sure you can answer your questions and concerns'


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