Monday, March 7, 2011

Spain Orange Dongle Error 619

"My" dog?

"Your dog's smarter and nicer here can not enter"

Fun How much it cost the taxpayer the park, a sign like that and the adjoining irony.
premise that the park is pubbilco.
premise that if you do not bring the dog to the park, where the port, in a parking lot?
premise that also I always have with me the bag to collect the GDP (gross domestic product) of Pandora.
also premise that dogs have a microchip that contains the owner.
And add finally that the panels are supplementary to limit the validity of the prohibitions (and that we Italians are spectacular when we have to invent).
Well, the question is as follows: Pandora is not my dog \u200b\u200b (belongs to my wife and property is not transitive). Now, when I enter the park on a leash with Pandora, the prohibition is limited by the fact that the dog has to be my (and then we can enter both)?
Meanwhile, the country is in shambles ...


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